1 Ministry Application I learned from Election '12

Note to reader: I’m not a political expert (that’s my brother’s job), nor do I play one on TV so please read with caution (and no political rants in the comment section please). Last night, no matter what news channel I flipped to, I heard a theme.  That theme was that America is changing, the demographics are changing and the Republicans are missing out.  In particular they missed on Latino and Women voters.  Latino voters are the fastest growing segment of voters in America and the Republicans are not reaching them. Now, I say that because it made me think of the question I am asking myself in my student ministry lately…who is our demographic (or, who is our audience) and how are we reaching them?  Are we reaching them?  What can we be doing differently to reach more of them? It’s a question I think all of us in our ministries need to be asking ourselves as we best try to reach our communities for Christ.  So, TAKE A MINUTE right now and think through who you are reaching, how you are reaching them and what else can you be doing to reach them for Christ. Thoughts?  Comments?  Experiences?  AND PLEASE, no political comments.  This was not meant to be a political post, just an observation from last night’s election that made me think of ministry.]]>

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