[caption id="attachment_8154" align="alignright" width="302"]
The sermons for New Life are put up on Vimeo and YouTube.[/caption]
Sermons. One of the first things people do when they are looking for a new church is to find an old sermon so they can watch it and see if they like the Preacher.
Clips of a sermon. Sharing clips of the previous weeks sermon keeps the message fresh for those who were there and may interest someone in watching the whole thing (or a rebroadcast).
Worship music. Each week you can post a song or 2 that you sang in the service. Even if you don’t have a “video” team, you can record on your smartphone and put that up on your social media pages.
Song list of the music for the coming week. This is a great idea because it gives people a chance to know what songs are being sung..especially if one of them is one of their favorites, they will get all excited about attending Church that week.
Curate content from others like relevant. There are great articles out there from Relevant and Christianity Today…just to name 2. That means that you can take the great content they are sharing and share it on your pages. When you do this, especially on Facebook, you not only have different content to share but people on those pages (Relevant or Christianity Today) see you share it and it can expose your church to new people.
Behind the scenes images. People are curious. They want to know what’s going on. So take some pictures of people working on a project or in meeting or even the band practicing. They want to see what happens when most of the others are not there.
Blog posts. Blog posts are the tried and true content producers for churches and ministries. You can use blogs to encourage people spiritually, make them aware of an upcoming event or even share vision with them. Whatever it is, blog posts are great content to share.
Devotionals. You can have devotionals as part of your blog post strategy, but regardless, they are great pieces of content to share as you can encourage your congregation spiritually.
[caption id="attachment_8155" align="alignright" width="150"]
An example of a social media scripture image you can make on apps like the Bible App or Word Swag.[/caption]
Scripture images. Another great piece is the visual scripture images. Note that it says “visual” images. You can share scripture just as text, but it won’t get noticed nearly as much and reach as many people as images. You can make images like the one on the right in apps like the Bible App or Word Swag.
Quizzes and Questions. These can tie into an upcoming Sunday message or can be just simple fun. For instance, if your local football team is in the playoffs, you can do a quiz where people are tested in the history of that team. Or, you could pose questions that just get people talking and engaging with you. For instance, “What would you do with a million dollars”.
Images and videos from Church. This is especially great of the children singing or interacting in their environments. This shows how much of a great experience church is and also shows what really goes on. These are great…espeically when you have little kids singing and doing hand motions. 🙂
Content that will bring a smile or a laugh. Let’s be honest, you don’t have to always share serious or reflective content. You can share funny videos that you’ve seen on the internet or ones that you have done before. As long as it is appropriate and fits your church’s values, throw out funny images or videos that will bring a smile or laugh.
Throwback Thursday content. No matter how long your church or ministry has been up and running, you always have a “throwback” or old item that you can share. It can be a picture of your 1st service, old video, beloved former staffers or simply an old devotional that someone discovered. If you search long enough there is plenty of old throwbacks you can share on social media.
As you can see, there are quite a few things you can post on social media…at least Thirteen different and unique items. But they aren’t the only ones you can share.
What about you? What pieces of content do you share on social media in your ministry? Share below or on social media using #ymsidekick to share.
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