A New Revolution for a New Generation at OC20

Orange Conference 2020 is calling for a whole new revolution for a new generation. I have always loved attending the Orange Conference as it regularly encourages and inspires my team and I in ways unlike what we get throughout the year. And this year’s theme: “Every Generation Needs a New Revolution” is bound to be a great one for all family, children and student ministers out there. As you can see in the video below, Reggie Joiner is inviting us to come and help rethink how we teach timeless truths, engage parent and mobilize volunteers amongst other things at the 2020 Conference. And that is part of what I love about the Orange Conference. They are always rethinking and doing research into how to best minister to people. That is why I really believe what will be presented and discussed at the conference will surely inspire you and your whole team to go back home and minister to students, children and families with a renewed passion and intensity that will help start a new revolution for your community and church. Tracy Chapman once sung, “Don’t you know They’re talkin’ ’bout a revolution It sounds like a whisper” While revolutions sometime start with a whisper, they can pick up steam quickly. I believe there will be a new, positive revolution that starts in the lives of Generation Z and it will start loving, caring, Christ-centered adults who invest in their lives. Orange Conference 2020 can be a key birthplace of this new revolution. I am excited to be going to the conference again this year and be apart of this new revolution, it starts with us. Will you be there with me? Learn more about the Orange Conference 2020 below and beginning Oct. 17th, you can sign up to be apart of the revolution that leads change in a new generation. Register for it here. Have you ever been to the Orange Conference before? What did you like about it or how were you inspired from it?  Share below or on social media using #ymsidekick when you share.  [mc4wp_form id="8855"]

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