15 Fall Social Media Engagement Posts Your Church Can Make

Although it is still “officially” summer until September 22nd, people have their sites set on Fall. The changing of the weather turning colder, first day of school and other school activities, pumpkin spice lattes and more things are the focus of families and parents now.

With the changing of the season, how can you engage people in your community? How can you get them talking, not just with you but with each other? Here are 15 Fall social media posts your Church can share throughout the Fall season (Please note, these are just examples, please reword them to fit the language and style of your Church or Ministry’s social media posts):

  1. It’s the first day of school today! Share a picture of your kids as they head off to school today!
  2. Parent Check-in! It’s the first day of school! How are you doing?
  3. Growing up, what was your favorite subject in school?
  4. What High School Football team are you cheering for this seasonFall Social Media ? Share how they are doing this year. (You could also ask for what college football or NFL team they are rooting for).
  5. What Fall activities do you love to do as a family?
  6. What local Fall festival do you love to go to the most?
  7. Have you had your 1st Pumpkin Spice Latte yet? Post a GIF sharing how it was.
  8. Would you ever try a pumpkin spiced taco?
  9. Are you a pumpkin pie fan? If so, how do you like it, with whipped cream or without?
  10. How can we pray for you today?
  11. What is your favorite fall themed recipe to make? Share a picture or recipe below! We’d love to see it.
  12. It’s Veteran’s Day! Post a picture of your favorite Veteran(s).
  13. What are you thankful for today?
  14. Do you prefer tangy or chocolatey candy?
  15. Where is the best place to see the fall foliage?

BONUS QUESTIONS!! If you would like to find out 10 Halloween themed social media posts your Church can do, click here.

Social media is designed to interact and have conversations. Asking questions is a great way to stir conversations and have fun while doing it. Click To Tweet

These are just a sample of social media engagement type posts you can make. But there are other types of posts that you can use to encourage people spiritually as well. Here are a few:

  1. Post scripture encouraging them in their faith. Around back-to-school time you can post scripture about stress, courage, hope, new beginnings. During October and Halloween you can post Bible verses that addresses fear and anxiety. Then, during the month of November, post verse about being thankful, encouraging others to share what they are thankful for.
  2. Don’t just ask them how you can pray for them, but encourage them to pray for the community, their friends and family. Use it as a discipleship opportunity to encourage them to be actively praying for others.
  3. Season depression is a very real thing. Post some mental health encouragement and tips to help.
  4. Share different ways for people to grow in their faith. Focus on discipleship tips or encouragement such as serving opportunities, Bible Study tips or methods, what it means to be baptized (and how to be baptized) and how to share their faith.
  5. Share testimonies. Real people doing real things really inspire and engage others. Have real people in your Church share about their faith journey. It will be really encouraging to others as they, hopefully, will texamine their own faith journey and be encouraged to take a next step of faith.


Social media is more than just posting random questions or information. He is truly a ministry opportunity. These 15 Fall social media questions are more than just questions. They are designed to get conversations started. From there, ask God to lead you with how you can continue the conversation on from there. The more you can keep the conversation going, the more likely you will actually get to know the person answering the questions. And, as you get to know the person, hopefully you can encourage them in their faith or help lead them into faith in Jesus. Social media can truly be an online discipleship opportunity for your Church in the community. Use it that way and see what God does in your online ministry.

What do you think? What other social media engagement posts can you share this Fall? Share your ideas below or on social media.

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