Turn Your "What If…" into "How Can"

103.6 million subscribers. That is a ton considering they have been around less than 2 years. The latest show from Disney+ that is coming out is “What If…?”. It asks the question of what if the Marvel Universe didn’t happen the way we have seen it happen in the movies and shows. How would things have been different. what ifThe show looks fascinating and it makes me wonder….what if? What if things didn’t happen the way they did? I think a lot of us ask that question from time to time. It’s natural and very common to do in life and in our profession. Minister like to ask these types of questions, too. For example, here are some common “what if” questions ministers ask. What if…

  • we had more money in our budget?
  • we had more leaders?
  • we had a building or a space of our own?
  • we had more time?
  • students had more time?
  • leaders had more time?
There are just some of the many “what if” questions we ask regularly. And, while it may be fun to ask that and wonder, the reality is things did happen as they did. There are certain things we cannot change. So, instead of asking “what if”, maybe we need to be asking God “how can…”. How can God help us shape our life or ministry into the life or ministry the honors and glorifies God? How can it be one full of purpose? How can God provide and do more with the money you do have? The more we can align ourselves with God and His purpose, the more our life and ministry can be more fulfilling. Then, we won’t have to answer the question of “what if” any more. What do you think? What are some other “what if “statements we can turn into “how can”? Share your thoughts and experiences below or on social media using #ymsidekick when you share. We’d love to know what you are excited about doing. 

Do you want to learn digital tools to help expand your reach in ministry? Join the Digital Bootcamp Facebook Group where you can learn and grow with other ministers. 

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