2 Ministry Lessons from Microsoft's Rebound

  Microsoft did two really important things a few years ago that were instrumental in their rebound. They solidified their best products and made them even better and invested in cloud computing. When they started to first invest in cloud computing it was not what it is now. But they saw the trend and started investing in it. Now they are a powerhouse in cloud computing alongside Amazon.

Ministry Implications

So, how does Microsoft’s rebound affect ministers and ministry. You can answer how by answering two questions:
  1. What are you doing right now that you need to solidify and invest even more in to make better?
  2. What trend is happening in your area or with those you are ministering to that you need to invest into?
Whether your ministry is struggling at all or not, solidifying what you have going good and looking forward to what you can invest more into is always a great idea to be doing. If not, you can become complacent like the early 2000s Microsoft and NOT the powerhouse that 2019 has become. What do you think? What can you learn from Microsoft’s rebound? Share your thoughts or experiences below or on social media using #ymsidekick when you post.  [mc4wp_form id="8855"]

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