2 Ways You Can Talk about Christ with Others after the Grammys

Each year the Grammys are filled with more than just awards. There musical performances, special recognitions and plenty of speeches that are given out by the winners. While the Grammy Awards is not very religious in nature, there are a few opportunities that you have to use this event to talk to your friends, neighbors, family members or co-workers about Jesus. How? Here are two specific ways. Highlight Christian artists. The Grammys highlight 5 different Gospel and Contemporary Christian music categories each year. Some of the Christian artists nominated have hit mainstream before. But even if they haven’t, as you talk about the show to your neighbors, friends or co-workers the days or weeks after, share with them a song from one of the Christian artists who won and why you like that song and listen to it. Who knows, maybe it starts a conversation about God in some way. At the very least it will plant a seed. Talk about what’s trending from the show. Each year something is always trending during or after the event. Maybe it is a speech that someone made or a certain performance a musician or band had. There is always something. If you didn’t watch the show, don’t worry, follow #Grammys on Twitter or Instagram to see what people are talking about. The great news is that regardless of what it is, there could be an opportunity for you to talk about Jesus. What that situation is really depends on what happens during the event. It could be a big deal or something really small, but if you pray and ask God for wisdom, He will guide you in that conversation. As with most things in life, there are plenty of opportunities to talk to others about Jesus. The Grammys is a great opportunity because so many people watch it or pay attention to it. That is why, the days after the event, it makes for  a natural way for you to talk about Christ in the midst of the conversation. The key is to not force it. Let it organically happen but pray and ask God to go before you engage in conventions with others. Ask Him to give you opportunities to speak Truth into their lives and see what happens. It could be a small seed you plant that can be used for future conversations or it could become something bigger. The more open you are to allowing God to use you, the greater the chance you have to have meaningful conversations after the Grammys about Him. What do you think? How else can you share about Christ after the Grammys? Share your thoughts or experiences below or on social media using #ymsidekick when you share. [mc4wp_form id="8855"]

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