3 characteristics needed to start a new ministry

earlier in the week, I am a Ministry Starter. What I love about starting from scratch is the clean slate you have, the blank piece of paper where I get to try new events and strategies to try to make an impact.  But although I love to do this, starting from scratch is not something everyone enjoys or even knows how to do effectively.  In fact there can be many challenges as changing things that are “broken” or starting something, there can be resistance from others.  That is why starting or rebuilding a ministry needs to be done properly.  In order to start or rebuild, a youth minister needs to be:

  • Teachable – After all these years people have been doing youth ministry, there has yet to be a formula or way that has proven to the be only right direction to take for reaching students for Christ.  That means that there can be many different ways to reach students, you just have to figure out which one way works for your current ministry.  Just because it worked before or in another ministry does not mean it will work in your current ministry.  So remain teachable and always look for options to reach students.
  • A Relationship Builder – starting from scratch and building a program means that you need to work well three different sets of people: students, other staffers and parents.  Building good, healthy strong relationships with these three sets of people will go a long way to establishing a great start to your work.
  • God Reliant – The only way anyone can be successful in ministry is to be reliant on God alone.  I believe that He has a specific plan for each ministry.  All we have to do is to seek Him daily and rely on Him to make it perfectly clear what direction we need to take.  It is when we stop seeking Him that our path becomes more cloudy.  As James 1:5 says, “If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him.”  Be God reliant and He will provide.
What else would you add or subtract, if anything? TAKE A MINUTE and process through this and examine your ministry experiences.  Has there been a characteristic that you have used that has helped you start new work?  If you have post it so we can all benefit from it.]]>

3 Replies to “3 characteristics needed to start a new ministry”

  1. To start a new ministry, a leader needs to be a student.

    In order to be effective in starting a new ministry, it is important for the leader to be teachable, but a leader also needs to be an active student who listens intently, engages fully, and actively pursues information in order to learn about the organization in which they are starting a new ministry. If changes and new ministry undertakings are to be successful, they must be intentional and well thought out, and planned out. This can only be accomplished through the study of the organization, the people, the culture, the needs, what worked before, what did not work before, what are the assets and the liabilities of an organization, and so forth. Being a student of every facet of an organization who is teachable, who builds relationships, and who relies on God is sure to be an effective change maker who will start effective new ministries with their clean slate.

  2. Thanks, I need the help and info. And most of all, prayers. Very small youth ministry that has a core of 7. But these 7 are praying for a change in our church. I've been attending this church all my life and I love it and the Word is preached. But that being said, it is a dying church where our pastor who is a dear friend does not present a passion for reaching the lost.The general feeling is preaching to those who are content with showing up and hearing about God, not seeing Him. I very dearly want to serve Christ and have a passion to preach the love of Christ to the dying of the world. I need your prayers and advice. I dont another Sunday of water being doused on the fires of the youth and those who desire to see the Holy Spirit move. Thank You and God bless you.

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