3 Podcasts you SHOULD listen to this week

Make-it-happen The 3 podcasts you should listen to are:

  1. YM Sidekick.  I know this is self-promoting a little but this week’s topic is something that a lot of ministers are experiencing now…managing multiple jobs at once and trying to do them with excellence.
  2. Pro Church. In this episode they talk about how to be using Periscope and other live streaming apps for your ministry.
  3. Social Media Church. This episode focuses on the recent Apple event and more specifically about how your church can be using Apple TV in the future.  Plus, they have a special announcement at the end that your church might be interested in.
Here is the video below about it. [youtube width=”600″ height=”400″]https://youtu.be/qJzWxTb7RNA[/youtube] What podcasts did you you listen to this week that helped you and your ministry?  Share them below or on social media using the hashtag #ymsidekick.]]>

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