3 Reasons Why Fantasy Football is a Phygital Ministry Opportunity

I love fantasy football. And, I have shared before about how fantasy football is a great way for ministry to happen with people you are doing ministry with.

But now, in the digital world we are living it, you can have fantasy football leagues that are truly phygital. In this video, the audio or in the bullet points below, I share 3 reasons why fantasy football is a phygital ministry opportunity.



Fantasy football is a ministry opportunity. It provides you a way to connect with others. The reality is fantasy football is really popular. Because it is so popular, it can be really easy to organize a league and use it as a way to minister to people at your Church or in your community.

Fantasy football is digital. When we first started our league we were all local. But as the years have gone on we have all moved on and no longer all live in the same area. We even go to different Churches now. We are able to stay connected through the Fantasy Football app and a text messaging app. There is not a day that goes by that we don’t talk through our Group chat.

Fantasy football is in person. While we communicate so much digitally, there is a need for in person gatherings. We make it a priority to spend time together as a whole group. Many of us can meet up in smaller groups, which is fine, but when we are all together, real ministry can happen.


  • What do you think? How has fantasy football been a phygital ministry opportunity for you? Share  below or on social media using the hashtag #digitalin5 to share.
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