3 Reasons why it is good to get out of the Office

New Life Christian Church/nZone). I love going into the office, interacting and collaborating with others, and, as Cory Sullivan and I always use to talk about plot and plan on how we can take over the world…for Christ, of course. Even though I love going into the office and working, there is definitely time to get out of it as well. In fact, when I get out of the office, I usually head to a certain place as it just energizes me and I feel real benefit from going there. That is why I believe everyone should get out of the office from time to time. You don’t have to do it weekly, but definitely a time or two during the month at least. When we do that, we benefit and, honestly, the Church and Ministry area you work at benefits. Here are a few ways I benefit from getting out of the office to work. officeRefresh. Sometimes you just need to get out of the office. As a Church worker, if you are in the office, which usually serves as your Church as well, you are usually in that building at least 5 and most likely 6 days a week. That is a lot of time to spend in a place that isn’t your house. You need to get out of that building to a place that is refreshing and different. It is true what they say, a change of scenery can do wonders. Reflect. Being in a place outside the office, I am able to reflect on things I can’t otherwise do. There are so many work-related distractions, I can’t always think and process in the office. That is why, depending on where I am at, I am able to sit alone, uninterrupted processing and reflecting work stuff in a fresh setting without any distractions that come from working in a Church office. Sure, there could be other distractions, but not the ones you deal with on a daily basis. Get away from others. I am a people person. I love to be with people, talking and chatting about life, sports, ministry, whatever. But I also need some alone time. And, if there is some tension going on with another staffer or two, it would be good to go through a day without seeing any of them. So when you get out of the office, you can get some much needed time away from people and it will help you get some alone time that will help  you get work done.


We live in a mobile world. You can do work anywhere…literally anywhere. Gone are the days where you “have” to be in an office to get work done. I have found when I get out of the office, I am able to work just as effectively than if I was in the office. I get refreshed as it is a change of scenery. I’m able to reflect without the noise and distractions of people always coming up to talk to you. And, I am able to get away from others, which isn’t such a bad thing from time to time. There are real benefits for me and I believe there can be for you as well. What do you think? Do you get out of the office? What benefits do you experience when you get out? Share your stories and experiences below or on social media using #ymsidekick when you share. [mc4wp_form id="8855"]]]>

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