3 Ways to Maximize exposure on Periscope

images-1 Periscope has been out for about 2 weeks now.  And, if you haven’t checked it out, it is a MUST app to have…especially if you are in any social media position.  Basically it allows you to LIVE STREAM right from your iPhone to people all over the world.  It is an amazing app and I’ve already blogged about the variety of uses it has for ministry. As I’ve been fooling around with it since it’s been released, I’ve learned quite a few things.  These 3 below are ways to maximize your exposure on Periscope. Be Creative in your Broadcast Title.  Remember, this is linked to Twitter, so you don’t have a lot of space to write down titles. But, you can still put something up there creative that causes people to be curious and interested in what you are doing.  For example, “Bubble Wrap Sumo Wrestling” sounds a lot more interesting than “a game we played at youth group”.  Be specific, be creative because the more creative you are the more interested people will be. Make sure you hit the little tweety bird before you go LIVE.  The Twitter icon isn’t automatically hit when you stream live.  By hitting the Twitter icon before you stream, you enable your broadcast to be published to everyone of your twitter followers and then some (especially if you use the hashtags right).  Not only will they be notified that you are LIVE, but people can also retweet and favorite it. So hit the bird and reach more people. Use Hashtags in your title. You can be creative and you can tweet it out…those are all good.  But, by putting hashtags in your title you are allowing other people who aren’t following you to discover what you are doing.  It’s great organic reach. Have you tried Periscope yet? What has been your experience with it and how are you maximizing your exposure on it? Share below or on social media. Make sure you use the #ymsidekick hashtag to join the conversation. ]]>

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