3 Ways the Orange Tour Connects with You and Your Team

Orange Tour is coming! The Orange Tour is coming! I feel like Paul Revere shouting out to everyone. However, I’m not talking about the British coming to attack. I am talking about the Orange Tour. Every fall the good folks at Orange pack up the conference and go on a massive road trip around the country essentially taken what happened in the conference and bring it to different cities in the form of a 1-1.5 day event. Orange TourWhile both are similar in content, there are some differences. For starters, going to the Orange Tour is closer to your home than Atlanta is (in most situations). Secondly, the Orange Tour is more affordable. Thirdly, there is less content at the Tour than the Conference, which is understandable considering you are cramming hundreds of presentations and 3 days into just under 2 days. Regardless of the differences, the 2019 Orange Tour provides 3 really great opportunities for your leadership team that makes this a can’t miss event. Here is why I am excited to tell people about this year’s Orange Tour.

  • The Theme Connects with Leaders. “It’s Personal” was the theme for the Orange Conference and is the theme as well for the Orange Tour. It’s a theme that directly connects with leaders as we all have a speciifc reason why we got into ministry. It was personal for us as Christ made a difference in our lives and it is personal for us as we minister to others. This year’s theme is a great reminder to why we do ministry and how we can best do it effectively.
  • The Event Connects your Leaders. Team unity and chemistry is important. One way you can develop that is through doing shared experiences together. When you go away and then do some training together it can connect you and help you all get on the same page both personally and in ministry. You get to have great time connecting with each other as you have conversations throughout the day.
  • The Tour Connects you with Great Training. While the Orange Conference requires you to go to Atlanta for a few nights to get training, the Orange Tour is usually much closer to your home and it is basically a day or a day and half at the most. Plus, Orange brings a lot of experience ministry leaders along with them. So you save money, save time and get the same great training about topics that will directly impact your ministry.
The Orange Tour is a fantastic opportunity for you and your team to be challenged and encouraged. It helps connect each other as a team. And it provides you with a great opportunity to be trained by experienced ministry leaders. All this for a fantastic price starting June 13th. So, the only question remains, what are you waiting for? Sign up today! What do you think? Have you ever been to the Orange Tour before? How have you found it to help you and your ministry? Share your experiences below or on social media using #ymsidekick. [mc4wp_form id="8855"]

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