3 Ways to use Facebook Groups in your Ministry

this video to find out 3 specific  ways.  

  You can create

  1. Bible Study Groups.  This is probably the most used way Churches or ministries use Facebook Groups. You can use them for books of the Bible, topical, holiday or big event groups or even a study based on the  latest sermon series.
  2. Leadership groups. Whereas Facebook Pages used to the be the one stop shop for all people to learn about your Church or ministry, that has all changed now. Pages can be used as the “billboard” of your Church but Facebook Groups can be used as a place for ministry leads or ministry teams to come and you can have internal discussions about your specific ministry or a Church related topic.
  3. Parent discussion groups. If you are a student or Children’s minister, having a place for parents to discuss topics relevant to them is another perfect way for you, as a minister, to connect with and encourage them.
Facebook has been making changes to their platform that are highlighting groups more and more. This gives Churches and ministries a great opportunity to use social media to connect people together. Whether it is a Bible study, for leadership team, discussion groups or something else entirely you can use this great tool in a variety of ways. Try any of these, or ones not even listed, and see how God uses that to help people discover more about who He is and how He can impact their lives. Are you using Facebook Groups for your ministry or Church? If so, how? And, what else can you do to capitalize on the proliferation of groups on Facebook?  Share them and your experiences below or on social media use my twitter handle @tapounder when you share.  [mc4wp_form id="8855"]

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