3 Ways you can be a Digital Missionary today

  The first way you can be a digital missionary is to be an “Influencer” with those you are closest with online. This is where you would seek out ways to engage and interact with people online offering hope and encouragement that can be found in Christ. For instance, if one of my friends on Facebook is going through a hard time, I’ll post a comment on their post and then maybe message them privately asking them how I can specially pray for them. Then hopefully, if this person isn’t a believer, I can begin interacting with them, praying for them but also maybe start conversations with them (online) that can lead them to Christ or help strengthen their faith. The idea is for you to use your online channels to interact with people (as you normally would) but be the light of Jesus to them. That doesn’t mean that all you do is post Christ stuff on your personal Facebook page. It just means you look for opportunities to share and interact with those you follow. Another way is to share your story online. Do people know that you are a Christian? If so, do they know why you are a believer? Whether they do or not, you have a great opportunity to share your story of how you came to know Christ. Some people call it your 2 minute testimony, others call it the 3 chairs story. Whatever you call it, you can share what your life was like before you met Christ, how you met Christ and what your life is like now with Christ as your savior. You can share this by writing it or using an image of your baptism with some writing or even a video of you sharing your story. You can share it in a variety of ways. One thing to caution you on is please don’t share how your life is perfect now with Jesus. I know life with Christ is better than without, otherwise you wouldn’t need or have Christ as your savior, but we all know that all your problems don’t end because of it. Let people know that Christ is with you and has helped you through the ups and downs of your life. Keep it simple and short. Lastly, you can use hashtags to engage and encourage others online. I’ve talked about this a few different times in past posts but the beauty of Instagram and Twitter is that you can use hashtags to engage people organically. Look at different hashtags people are sharing, click on a hashtag that interests you and then start interacting with them. For example, someone may be down in the dumps about getting dumped by a boyfriend or girlfriend and use the hashtag #lovefail. You can click on that hashtag and see what others are talking about in regards to love fails and start sharing how God’s love never fails. Or, you could offer them condolences and say you are praying for them. Who knows, maybe that will be the start of a conversation you can have to leads to a discussion on God and life. The thought of being a missionary may be intimidating to some but with today’s digital and online tools we all have the possibility of sharing about God to those around us. These are just 3 ways you can be a digital missionary but there are countless other ways. The point is to seek God’s guidance in what you can do, pray for opportunities and then walk through that door when God opens it up. Christ said that he will be with us wherever we go. Trust that He will be and see what happens. What do you think? How can you use online tools and technology to be a digital missionary? Share  your thoughts or experiences below or on social media using #ymsidekick when you post. [mc4wp_form id="8855"]

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