With Church Online, however, this is completely different. Talking during the service…any part of the service…is strongly encouraged. It’s called engagement. As a Chat Host for the service you want to be engaging with others in the Chat Room during the service. It is key to the whole experience. Since engagement is really key, what can Chat Hosts do to get engagement up in your Chat Room during the service? Here are Fun, random, thought-provoking and intentional questions you can use to get engagement started at your service. Fun, Random Questions to get the conversation started:
- Mountains or beach? Where would you rather go?
- Would you rather have to sit all day or stand all day?
- What’s your all-time favorite book? TV show? Movie?
- If someone gave you a million dollars, what is the first thing you would do?
- What is your favorite time of the year?
- What’s your favorite holiday?
- Who is your favorite Disney character and why?
- If you could travel to any destination for free where would you go?
- What is your favorite knock-knock joke?
- What is your favorite ice cream flavor? Topping?
- What is your favorite pizza topping?
- What are you afraid of?
- What is your ideal vacation in one sentence?
- True or False: Batman would Beat Superman in a fight.
- If you could choose only one superpower, what would it be?
- What are five things couldn’t you live without?
- How do you like your coffee?
- When you eat steak, do you use steak sauce or no?
- Would you rather be famous or be best friends with a famous person?
- What’s one nice thing you could do for somebody today?
- What’s a decision in your life would you like to go back and change?
- What’s a life moment that you would like to go back and relive?
- What would you like to tell your high school aged self?
- What do you love about your life right now?
- If you could retire tomorrow what would you do?
- What are you thankful for?
- If you could teach a child just 1 thing, what would you teach them?
- How are you doing today?
- How can I pray for you today?
- How was your week?
- How is your weekend going?
- What are you looking forward to this week?
- What did you think of that point or scripture that Pastor _____ just mentioned?
- Have you ever been baptized? Why or Why not?
- What is your favorite worship song to listen to?

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