4 action steps to take when considering Plan B

plan b What do you do when you have to go from Plan A to Plan B?[/caption] There are going to be times in your ministry career that something will happen that will cause you to consider a plan B. It could be a tragedy, big football game that causes everyone to watch that and not come to your event, a snowstorm or something else completely. Regardless of the reason, having a plan B is necessary. So what action steps do you need to take to make sure that plan B goes off flawlessly? Watch this video for 4 action steps to take:  

  1. Know what is happening in the area. There are things that are happening everyday in your community. Some are small events that don’t impact you at all. But then there are other activities such as big high school or local team football games, snowstorms or even a tragedy. Make sure you know what is happening in the area so you can understand first these events affects your ministry.
  2. Meet with your stakeholders. These are all the key people who should have input on the decision to go to Plan B or not.  These could be other staffers, volunteers, parents or people you are ministering to. Get their feedback and input on what they think you should do because this affects more than just you and you ministry.
  3. Communicate to staffers the plan. Once a plan is made, communicate that plan to the rest of the staff, especially those who you report to so they know what is going on and they can share the information as well.
  4. Communicate to people you are serving. In order for Plan B to be affective, you have to communicate to those you are serving.  That way they can understand what you are doing and can also communicate it to others as well.
The reality is, sometimes Plan A doesn’t work, that is why you need a backup plan. As you consider all that there is for a Plan B, take into consideration these 4 things. Want more info on how to make sure you are fully prepared for Plan B? Click here and here (has a fire truck in this one). What about you? What other considerations do you factor into your Plan B decisions. Comment below or on social media using #ymsidekick to share.  Also, make sure you sign up for the Sidekick Scoop below to stay current on all other great Student and Family Ministry as well as Church Communication and Social Media content and trends. [mc4wp_form]]]>

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