4 Podcasts + 1 to check out this week

The 4 podcast plus 1 bonus one, in no particular order are as followed:

  1. How to use Facebook to meet and inspire people as a Church Planter by YM Sidekick. This is an interview I did with Joel Pasmino as he is starting a church in Washington, DC. He is using Facebook as a key way to meet new people but also communicate and inspire with people who are following along as they are preparing to launch. Even though this was done with a Church Planter, it is great insights for anyone who is in ministry and definitely worth a listen.
  2. 9 Methods to make sure your meetings SUCK by Stan Rodda. No one wants their meets to suck.  However, there are things we do all the time in them that cause our meets to suck! Stan breaks those down and provides great insights on how to correct them so that our meetings won’t suck any longer.
  3. Drones, Regional Online Meetup & Amazon Fire TV by Social Media Church. In this podcast Jay Kranda, Online Pastor at Saddleback Church, does a great job of always trying new things to reach more people for Christ. In this podcast he shares about Regional Online Meetups and what that looks like. If you are an Online Minister, this is definitely something to look into for your ministry.
  4. How to delegate in Youth Ministry by YM Answers. Delegation not only affects student ministers but it affects a ton of ministry leaders as well. So, whether you are leading a youth ministry or not, this is a valuable podcast to listen to this week.

The PLUS 1!

  1. Youth Ministry Tools by That Church Podcast. Didn’t mean for this to be a shameless plug but Van Baird and Justin Dean interviewed me about social media and youth ministry stuff on their podcast. That Church Podcast is focused on church communication and is a great resource for digital and online strategies. Check this episode out about communicating and ministering to students.
Four ministry focused podcasts PLUS one that stood out this week that will not only encourage you but inspire you to be better in your ministry. What podcasts stood out to you this week? Share them below or on social media using #ymsidekick when you share. [mc4wp_form id="8855"]]]>

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