4 Ways to Maximize your Smartphone for Ministry

Instant Contact.  You have the ability to have all those people you are ministering to in your contact list.  Their phone numbers, emails and social media information.  Make sure you have it all so you can have instant contact whenever you need to get ahold of someone. Instant Resources.  In the old days you had to carry our Bible around, a Bible dictionary, note pads and any other resources you would need to make talk preparations better.  Now, all you need is your smartphone and some good apps. Instant Memory. With cameras on both the front and back of your phone you have the opportunity to make instant memories with those you are working with.  You can even download some cool apps to enhance them and immediately send them on social media or directly to them…because, after all, you do have their contact information on your phone. 🙂 Instant Relationship Developer. Have some fun and play some games with those you are reaching out to.  It’s a great way to break down barriers and show them that pastors and ministers like to have fun too. 🙂  Plus, it gives you something extra to talk about when you see them in person. How else are you maximizing your smartphone for ministry?  Share below or on social media using the hashtag #ymsidekick. [mc4wp_form id="8855"] ]]>

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