4 Ways Social Media Can Help Your Church Grow

Churches can grow in a variety of ways. They can implement various marketing strategies, perform service throughout the community and do other outreach opportunities to really get the word about about what is happening at the Church. And while all of those are important, utilizing social media is just as important and should be an active part of your ministry to reach your community and help your Church grow.

But what does social media do? How can it help your church grow? Here are 4 ways.

Answer Questions. Whether they are a visitor checking out your Church for the 1st time or a member, people tend to have questions about what you post on social media. By answering questions that people have on your social media posts or in other content, you are building up trust with people. They will begin to trust you as you respond. And that trust will build up and will help them feel cared for and appreciated. Establishing and nurturing that trust will help you and your credibility. The more they trust you, the more likely they will go to your Church or stay committed to your Church. It all starts by answer and responding to questions.

help your church growGives Visitors a Glimpse of What Your Church Is Like. When you post on your various platforms give people checking out your Church an opportunity to learn what a Church service looks like, what the Children’s ministry looks like and other ministries as well. Just like people checking out your website for a first look of your Church, they will see what you are doing on social media, as well. So share fun things, stories of life change and worship songs. The more you can share of real people doing real things, the more likely people will know what your Church is all about and what you are doing in and for the community.

Builds Community. People crave community, even online and on social media. When people check you out on social media they are looking to learn more about who you are and what your church is like (see above point). But, they could also learn about and be part of a group or a set of groups. Your Church may offer Facebook Groups or other online groups that involves Mothers of Preschoolers, Home School parents, Mens and different women’s group. The more you can highlight these on social media the more likely people will be able to connect into a community. If someone can connect in a group, whether it is in person or online, it can help your Church grow.

Keeps Everyone Updated. While social media provides lots of community and connection opportunities, it can also be a valuable place to share upcoming events where people can connect and be part of the Church. Social Media should never be just all promotional stuff, but social media is part promotional. There are events that you do that you should make the community aware of. Social media is a great opportunity for you to do that. But it is also a great way for you to keep your Church informed of what is happening so that you can continue grow as a community. As Seth Muse has said, “Don’t invite them. Intrigue them.” Your promotion should intrigue them to be part of what’s happening, not just a simple announcement.


Churches are struggling to keep people engaged and attending. Even before Covid hit, overall Church attendance was trending lower. That is why Churches should be looking at all possibilities to help grow and bring people back into a community of believers. There are lots of possibilities to reach the community. When done right, social media is a great tool to use to help your Church grow.


What do you think? How have you seen social media help your Church grow? Share your ideas below or on social media using #ymsidekick when you share. 

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