4 Ways to Embrace a Spirit of Thankfulness

It’s Thanksgiving time and there is lots of chaos going around. In America we are still dealing with the election (and the aftermath of that), Twitter seems to be a dumpster fire right now with everyone wondering what will happen to it and the World Cup is happening in Qatar. There is lots going on and with that there are lots of opportunities to look at the world and complain or be upset.

Complaining kills. Maybe not literally but it definitely destroys who we are. Instead of being positive, we end up being negative all the time. Look at the Israelits during the Exodus. They were finally being freed from slavery after hundreds of years and what do they do? They complain. They complained so much that they talk about how living in slavery was much better than living in freedom.

It’s easy to look around and complain about what you do and do not have. However, what would it look like for you to flip it on its side and embrace a spirit of thankfulness this year? What would it look like for you to look around and think of all you have to be thankful about. If you are having trouble thinking of things, here are a few actives you can do that will help you embrace that spirit of thankfulness.

thankfulnessWrite down 1-3 things you are thankful for each day. God has blessed everyone in different ways. Take time to sit down, look around and thank God for all he has blessed you with. God could have blessed you with family, friendships, clothes to wear, a bed to sleep on and food to eat. Whether they are big or small blessings, take time to remember all that God has blessed you with by writing them down and thanking Him.

Volunteer. This is more than just volunteering at your Church (unless they have a homeless ministry or food bank). Go somewhere where no one knows you and you help support people who are under-resourced and in need. You could even organize a food drive for a local food pantry or collect food for families in need during the holiday seasons throughout the year.

Stop Comparing. As we saw with the Israelites, it is easy to look at situations, compare and complain. They had just been freed and they longed for being slaves again, thinking that they had it better as slaves. But even after they got to the promise land, they continued to compare themselves to other nations. They seemed like they were never satisfied which ultimately led the nation of Israel to make poor choices over their history. Instead of comparing to other people, choose to be thankful for what you do have and how God has blessed you.

Celebrate Thankfulness with Others. As noted above, complaining can be easy to do. And, as we saw with the Israelites, when someone starts complaining, it can be easy for complaining to take over and consume the masses. So, instead of complaining together, take time to celebrate with others. Whether you meet up as individuals or with a group of people, ask the question, “what are you thankful for today?”. That puts the conversation on how blessed everyone is, rather than complaining on what is wrong, which could cause more people to complain about what is wrong with them rather than be appreciative of God’s blessings.

It can be easy to compare ourselves to others and forget the blessings God has provided you with. Stop comparing today and start thanking God for all He has blessed you with. Click To Tweet


There is a lot going on in the world today. And there is a lot going on in our life, as well. You can choose to focus on the negativity, or you can choose to focus on God’s blessings. Highlighted above are four ways you can choose to be thankful. Today, and everyday, choose to embrace a sprit of thankfulness and see how God uses that to change your attitude to be more grateful and positively impact others, as well..

What do you think? What other things can you do daily that will help you embrace a spirit of thankfulness? Share your ideas below or on social media.

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