4 Ways to Make Christmas Special For Your Family

As ministers, Christmas is one of the biggest seasons of the year. There is so time and effort that goes into making all the Christmas services and actives a success. Because there is so much Churches and ministers can do, Christmas time is often a time when ministers are most busy. That requires lots of extra time at work and longer hours. It also requires more time away from family than normal.

While it is a busy time for ministers, it is also a busy time for families. Families are busy with school activities, shopping and family and friend gatherings. There is lots going on and while ministry is important, making Christmas memorable and special for family is just as important, if not more important.

So how do you balance between work and family so that you and make Christmas special for your family? Here are 4 different ways:

Set up non-negotiable family time. While you will work a lot during the Christmas season, you can’t possibly be working 24/7. In fact, it will be very unhealthy for you personally and your family fro you to work all the time. That is why one of the first places you have to start in making Christmas special for your family is to set up some non-negotiable family time. Make sure you know all the key family events that you must be at and block them off immediately. Then, if you are married, make sure you coordinate with your spouse when you will be home and not working.

make Christmas specialCreate traditions. Traditions don’t just happen, they are created. While you can carry over some family traditions from your family growing up, create new family traditions that your children will want to do year after year and they will want to carry over to their families one day.

Make memories. This is different than traditions. This is where you do something or participate in something as a family. It could be going to a Christmas tree lighting, seeing some Christmas lights in the community, making cookies (and the disaster that ensues with sprinkles and icing everywhere), going to a craft fair, or going Christmas shopping together. It’s about being together and making positive memories around Christmas that they remember forever.

Honor your spouse/significant other. Christmas is not just special for the entire family, but it can be very special for your significant other or spouse. Just as you are making time to create memories with your family, set aside time with your spouse or significant others, as well. This is a chance for you to bond and grow together. Go on coffee dates, shopping dates, and nice dinners out. Do errands for them. Make sure you are honoring and taking care of them this Christmas so that they are enjoying this time of year just as much as everyone else.


Christmas is a special time of year. It is during this time that many people come to know Jesus as Lord and Savior as Churches have great outreaches to the community and Christmas services. It’s amazing. But, this time of year is also special for your family. IT can be that way for your family by creating traditions, making memories, making time with them a priority and setting aside time with your spouse or significant others. It would be a shame if many people came to experience Christ but your family was neglected this Christmas season. Take time to invest in your family this Christmas and make it a Christmas they will remember, cherish and share about for generations to come.

What do you think? How do you make Christmas special for your family? What else can you do? Share below or on social media. 

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