4 Ways You Can Encourage Families to Honor and Remember on Memorial Day

As a Church, here are a few ways you can encourage families to honor and remember our fallen heroes:

  1. Tell stories of the fallen soldiers. Look them up online or if you know someone who lost a friend or family member while in service, have them share with families their stories.
  2. Go and minister to the older generation. There are plenty of people who have experienced wars (WWII, Korean, Vietnam, Persian Gulf Wars). Spend time with them and hear their stories. Go to a local veterans’ hospital or a nearby VFW post.
  3. Visit a military cemetery (or a cemetery with fallen soldiers). Go and take flowers there and lay them on tombstones where there are no flowers. Bonus is to look up their names on Google and read their stories.
  4. Go to a parade or a concert. During Memorial Day there are plenty of parades and concerts in towns across America and on TV (PBS has a great concert each year). Experience that together as a family and remember the sacrifice of our fallen soldiers.
Celebrating Memorial Day in meaningful ways are great ways to honor and remember those who gave their lives for our country. Take time to honor them this year. How are you encouraging others to honor and remember those we lost this Memorial Day? Who do you think of? Share those you are remembering below or on social media using #ymsidekick.

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