Stuff Christians Like“. People kept on telling me how funny it was so I checked it out. They weren’t wrong, it was very funny and great writing.
Since then, as a blogger myself and wanna-be social media wizard, I’ve watched what he has been doing from afar…in cyberworld, trying to learn from him.
Jon was at the Orange Tour Stop in Fairfax, VA last week and not only did I get to hear from him, but I got a photo with him as well 🙂 Too bad I fumbled over my words and probably didn’t make much sense, but I got a photo dang it and I’ll take it.
When Jon spoke to the group, he had some great things to say, so here are a few of the ones that stuck out to me. But I caution you, just as with my post with Reggie on Monday, it is easy to take these comments out of context since many of you were not there and didn’t hear him speak. I will unpack the comment a little, but if you have a problem with something that he said, please ask me in the comment section so I can help clarify it.
- Yes ends in a comma, no ends with a period. Yes leads to adventure. No ends the conversation, the adventure. But when we say yes, it opens up opportunities and adventures for us and those we are ministering to.
- Being afraid isn’t failure, its staying afraid which leads to failure. It’s ok to be afraid, especially of the unknown. But being afraid doesn’t lead to failure all by itself. It is only if you allow yourself to stay afraid and not act that leads to failure.
- Don’t compare. This is the spot God has for you. He’s not disappointed or surprised by your ministry. I loved this personally because we are always about numbers and comparing ourselves to others. And, it is important to report numbers, but the recognition that God is not disappointed or surprised by our ministry was so refreshing to hear.
- Sometimes we want to be the whole song in a kid’s life, but God lets us be one lyric. We want to be the sower, water and reaper of peoples lives but God uses all of us at different times in peoples lives.
- You care about kids before they know how to care about themselves. Jon shared a story about his life and it was so relevant to all of us. As children, we didn’t know who we are or could become until someone would speak Truth and love into our lives