5 Social Media Mistakes Ministers Make

Social media is an amazing tool for people of all ages and backgrounds to connect with others. It can be especially useful for ministers, as well. Through social media ministers can share encouragement, offer hope through Christ and pray with people.

While social media is a great tool for ministers as it helps them draw people to Christ, it can also be a dangerous trap. If not handled appropriately your witness can be ineffective. Matthew 5:13 says, “You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled underfoot.”

Minsters have a tremendous opportunity to help people discover God and grow it their relationship with Him. But, if they make these social media mistakes below, that effectiveness, like salt, loses its effectiveness. So what are the mistakes and how can ministers avoid them? Here are 5 to look at.

1. They are not themselves.

By that I mean that their online persona is different than their in person persona. They try to be someone they aren’t and that isn’t good in any walk of life. Be you. Interact online the same way you do in person. That way, when one of your online connections meet you in real life (it does happen), they won’t be surprised.So, get on social media and just be you. If you want to say something great about the local sports team…do it. If you want to say a random thought…by all means. If you were encouraged by a passage in the Bible…share it. Be yourself and interact with others that you naturally connect with.

2. They are rude and arrogant.

social media mistakesChrist calls us to be light of the world (Matthew 5:14-16). That means that the way you treat people in person or online should point people to Christ. Even if the point they are making is correct, they present it in a way that is rude and arrogant. That doesn’t draw people to Christ, that pushes them further away. Be kind, courteous, respectful and loving…even if people are rude to you. That is what Christ would encourage us to do.

3. They lack compassion and empathy.

In Colossians 3:12 ESV, Paul write, “Put on then, as God’s chosen ones, holy and beloved, compassionate hearts, kindness, humility, meekness, and patience,” Never once does he say we need to be rude, insensitive and alway win an argument online. Yet, time after time, minsters are on social media duking it out with other believers AND non-believers about how they are right and the other people are wrong. Be compassionate and care. Share love and hope. Be empathetic towards others.

Beth Moore tweeted it perfectly on Jan. 18, 2023 when she tweeted, “I mean, I just don’t think we’re going to stand before God on the great day & hear him say, you did such a fabulous job of publicly humiliating heretics. Those pictures were hilarious! Those quotes were the perfect burn! Get in here & let me hug your neck & hang a medal on it.” Let’s be compassionate and empathetic towards others. Maybe people will see how we treat them and praise God in heaven.

Why Churches Need to Keep Experimenting with New Digital Media

4. They overshare.

We all have friends who share way too much online. They share openly about their blessings or downfalls. While ministers should be encouraging people who overshare on social media. They should not be one of them. They don’t need to be about every up and down in your life on social media. Yes, transparency is important as a minister but people don’t need to know every little detail of your life. It could actually ruin your witness to others on social media. Share about your life and continue to be you. Just don’t overshare.

5. They are NOT on social media.

“Social media is so toxic, I can’t be on it.” That is a common statement I hear from ministers who are not on social media. While social media can be toxic, that is exactly the reason why ministers need to be on social media. They need to be digital missionaries to shine the light of Christ to the world. All those “toxic” people need Jesus. By you being on social media you have the opportunity to be the light of Christ to a very dark world. You don’t have to be on every platform. Find one that you like and get on. Take time to pray before you get on and see what God does when you are on.

There are many mistakes ministers can make. NOT being on Social Media is one of them. Here is why ministers should be on at least one social media platform. Click To Tweet

What will you start incorporating today? Before you finish reading this post, write down a quick action plan that you can start implementing today so that you can avoid social media mistakes. Share them below or on social media. 

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