5 things I did in Starting Over

  • Dusted off the old stuff.  Before I was the “Family Guy” at New Life, I spent 13 years in direct ministry of youth ministry.  So as I was trying to wrap my mind around turning around the youth program at New Life, I broke out all my old stuff to start brainstorming ideas on how to run the program.
  • Prayed!  I wish I could say that was my 1st thing, but my mind is crazy.  As my brain started getting overstimulated, I paused, and prayed.  I prayed for wisdom on how to lead the program and the students and families.
  • Contacted Key Parents and Students.  I let them know that I was now leading the program and I enlisted their help to get the youth program up and going as I shared the vision/direction I was taking the program in.
  • Started assessing where the program is at.  Even though I oversaw the Youth program as the “Family Guy”, I didn’t know exactly kind of cool “stuff” the youth had.  So I had to go around and figure out what we had and what we could use.
  • Contact and Meet with the Volunteer Leaders.  I wanted to get ahold of them, set up a time to meet and begin working together as a team.  This was the last thing I did as I waited for the previous youth director to send them a farewell email.  Once he sent the email, I immediately contacted the leaders to start the process of getting to know them and uniting them in the direction the youth program was going in.
  • Those were the top 5 things I did (and I’m sure I did a few things in between).  But what about you?  What would you do (or have you done) if you had to pick up a program and start over?  TAKE A MINUTE and share your thoughts, comments, questions or experiences so that we can all benefit.]]>

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