Back in March 2020, the world changed. And, like many other things, ministry changed. Whether you were doing online minister before the pandemic hit or not, every Church was doing ministry 100% digital. And, there was a lot of excitement with that. What was possible now in this new era of ministry where in person gatherings were not happening was exhilarating. Sure, it was a stressful situation as well, as no one I saw or talked to had a completely 100% digital ministry. But it was really exciting to try new things and see what stood out and stuck with people.
Now is a different era of ministry. While we may be back in person with a lot of ministry, we also feel comfortable doing ministry online and digital. Digital ministry is part of a new tool in your ministry toolbox. So how do you balance all the different online, digital and in-person ministry opportunities in this new era of ministry? Here are 5 tips.
You need a balance
Digital is great and we have all learned a lot about online ministry over the past few years. And while using technology is a great tool to use in ministry, you can’t go all in on just doing digital ministry. And, you can’t do in-person ministry without using digital tools anymore. There needs to be a balance.
What can you do online that you can’t do in person? Over the initial months of the pandemic, online game nights, discipleship meetings, parent gatherings all happened and probably had greater success than you imagined they would be. But just because you can be in-person these days, that doesn’t mean you can’t use these tools anymore. Which of these new online meet ups and gatherings can you keep doing? Find the right balance of online and in person gatherings that work best for your ministry.
It's not one way or another. Your ministry should incorporate both online and in-person elements so that you can best minister to those around you. Click To TweetThink what is sustainable over time
One thing we all discovered over the pandemic was that we tried lots of new things to reach people for Christ. But, we also worked way too much. It was non-stop and not sustainable. As you attempt to reach people in your community today, look at what is sustainable long term and implement that balanced strategy. Just because you can do something doesn’t mean that you should do it. Prayerfully go before God and process what is sustainable long term for your ministry.
Just because you can do something in your ministry, doesn't mean you should do it. Prayerfully consider what has long-term sustainability before you commit to something new. Click To TweetNew opportunities for service
Even though this pandemic has changed a lot of what we do in ministry now, it also provided new opportunities. One of those new opportunities is service in new ministry roles. For instance, people can serve as camera people, sound techs, making YouTube or TikTok videos for the Church, working on an online Bible study group or something else entirely. These newer opportunities broaden what it looks like to serve at the Church, especially for younger generations as they look for ways to serve. Discover what kinds of new service opportunities you can offer and see how it helps people in your Church members respond and step up.
It’s all about the relationships
Whether it is online or in-person ministry, people crave connections and relationships. They crave relationships with their peers, with ministry leaders and with God, even though they may not initially recognize the God connection just yet. The tendency has been that if we create a program, we can reach more people. The reality is that no matter what kind of program you create (in-person or online), it is the relationships that help impact lives. Follow up with new connections, disciple those you are currently ministering to and see what God does. The more you can keep relationships at the forefront of your ministry, the more likely that lives will be impacted for eternity.
Ministry is not about programs. It is about relationships. Keep that at the heart of your ministry and see how God makes an eternal difference in the lives of others. Click To TweetDisconnect
At the beginning of the pandemic, when everyone went online for work, boundaries got blurred. After all, being online meant you could be online literally all the time. There was no check out time of the office. You were online and stayed online. Now that the pandemic is over, you have to disconnect and create boundaries. Just because you can work online all the time now doesn’t mean you should. In fact, you need to disconnect so that you can refresh and be by yourself and/or with your family. You need “you” time. You need family time. Work hard but make sure you set up the right boundaries in your life so that you don’t work all the time. The better you take care of yourself now the longer you can be in ministry long term.
Just because you can work online at any time doesn't mean you should. Disconnect and make sure you invest time in yourself and your family so that you can be at your best at home and work. Click To TweetConclusion
We are living in a new era of ministry. And while it is both exciting and exhausting, there is still lots to figure out. However, if you keep focused on what is best for the people you are ministering to and you allow God to guide you, you can navigate the digital and in-person ministry opportunities. God is going to use this new era in ministry in your life in a mighty way. Trust Him and see where it leads you.
Before you finish reading this post, write down a quick action plan. How can you balance in-person and online ministry in this new era of ministry? Share them below or on social media.
Interested in being a Digital Missionary or want to learn digital tools to expand your reach in ministry this year, join the Digital Bootcamp Facebook Group!