- Determine what social networks you are going to use. Figure out what social media networks you are going to share your pictures and content on. You don’t have to do all of them, just pick a few that you know will get the most attention.
- Set up one or more of your leaders up to share on the ministry account while it is happening. Sharing about your event in real time is important. You want to show people you are having a blast and if they aren’t there, they are missing out. As the main leader, you can take some pictures and videos but you sharing all that on social media while doing a ton of other things may not be possible. That is why you should set up a leader in your group with all the social networks for your ministry and let them post throughout the event about what is happening.
- Set up a Hashtag and Snapchat Geofilter. Every young person loves a good hashtag and love geofilters on Snapchat. So set up a hashtag for attendees to be using when they post on their social networks and upload a custom Snapchat Geofilter for your event (if you don’t know how to do a geofilter, it is really easy. Here is how).
- Encourage pictures to be taken by leaders. Whether the pictures or videos get posted in real time or not, encourage pictures to be taken throughout the event from your leaders so you get a lot of different pictures from different angels and focusing on different things throughout the event. The more pictures you can get the better your recap video can and will be (see below).
- Create a Recap Video to share. After the event is over, collect all the pictures and videos and put them together for a recap video. Once you have completed your video post it on Facebook, YouTube and possibly IGTV to get the word out about what just happened. People will then see the video and either relive the great event and tell their friends OR feel bummed about missing out and then make sure they don’t miss out on the next event coming up. That is keeping the momentum going.