6 Ministry Takeaways from Piper Sandler's "Taking Stock with Teens" Spring 2021 Note

Taking Stock with Teens” Spring 2021 note. In it are tons of stats that have direct ministry applications and fun takeaways from them. You can read the whole note here. I am going to highlight 6 of them that stood out to me. 1. Chick-Fil-A is the No. 1 restaurant, Starbucks No. 2 and Chipotle No. 3. McDonald’s is in the top 5 still. 

  • Ministry Takeaway: Want to meet up with a student for discipleship or outreach purposes? If you mention going to any of these 4, I believe going to any of these will highly increase your chances of that. Also, when giving away prizes at ministry events, these are the top ones to give away that will excite students.
2. Video games are 9% of teen wallet share vs. 8% and 53% expect to purchase a NextGen console & 4% already own one.
  • Ministry Takeaway: Video games are relevant and important. To diminish this activity, as some Pastors do, will not win you any points. Try engaging with students by playing video games. Here is how you can use video games as a ministry opportunity and why Apple Arcade is a worthwhile Student Ministry purchase.
3. 9% of teens claim to have traded cryptocurrency; 81% of these teens are male
  • Ministry Takeaway: Cryptocurrency is really popular right now as Bitcoin has been taking off in value. We live in a digital world and more of Gen Z are more comfortable in this digital world than others. They are exploring more about cryptocurrency and other digital forms of earning money. They are also using digital forms of payment like Venmo and PayPal more regularly. So, when you do a trip or activity with those you are ministering to, consider using digital payments as ways they can pay for that. Cash and checks are far less popular, especially with teens and young adults. They would much rather Venmo you payment than give you cash.
Piper Sandler4. 88% of teens own an iPhone and 90% expect an iPhone to be their next phone. Both are new all-time highs
  • Ministry Takeaway: Teens love their iPhones and Apple products. No matter what your preference is, iPhones and Apple products like the Apple Watch are status symbols for teens. Because of this when you get into an ecosystem, it’s harder to move from one phone/ecosystem to another. That means that if you give away something at a ministry event, an Apple product could be a real win.
5. Snapchat is the favorite social media platform (31% share) followed by TikTok (30%) & Instagram (24%, down from last year)
  • Ministry Takeaway: Focus your social media ministry on these platforms. Students are really engaged in them. If you aren’t good at these, then spend time learning what works and what doesn’t. TikTok, in particular, has skyrocketed the past few years and shows no signs of slowing. Here is why I believe student ministries should be on TikTok and how you can use Snapchat for ministry. There are lots of opportunties on TikTok and Snapchat so start exploring.
6. Significant movement in top social & political issues led by Racial Equality, Environment & Black Lives Matter
  • Ministry Takeaway: Regardless of your personal opinion on political or social issues, know that there are certain moments and issues that teens care about more than others. As a Gen Xer I remember growing up caring more about certain issues than my parents did. It happens in every generation. Don’t discount their opinions. Listen to them and have healthy, caring dialogue about why it is so important. Show that you care, even though you may disagree.


Piper Sandler releases those notes to help people know what stocks to start looking into as they share teen trends. While we may not be looking for stocks to buy, knowing what is trending with teens and Gen Z is really important in our ministry. These are just 6 ministry takeaways from 6 stats. Take a look at the rest of the note and see what else stands out to you from what teens are into these days. The better we can understand Gen Z the more effective we will be in ministry. What do you think of Piper Sandler’s “Taking Stock with Teens” Spring 2021 note? Did untying in particular stand out to you? Share below or on social media using #ymsidekick when you share. 

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