2016 and the 2017 list to see who I recommended.
With this new year I have 6 new ones to follow. The criteria that I have is that they are involved in Church Communications, Social Media, Student or Family Ministry or Online Ministry. They also need to be producing great blogs, vlogs or podcasts on a consistent basis. If they do not post regularly, they aren’t one the list. I am not going recommend you follow someone if they aren’t being consistent in their postings, no matter how great their content is. And that’s it. It’s pretty simple but those are the two important aspects of my criteria.
So, in NO particular order, here are the top 6 to seek out in 2018:
Adam McLaughlin – Adam is a Church Communications guy in Florida by way of Canada. He’s a great guy who has a tremendous heart to help others learn communications skills to help Churches communicate their message to their community. He has his own blog, participates as a moderator for the Church Communications Facebook Group and has lead at the Digital Bootcamp before. If you are involved in communications, he is a must follow! You can also follow him on Twitter.
Church Communications – The Church Communications Facebook group is one of the most influential and impactful groups out there designed specifically for Church Communicators. Started as a Facebook group, it quickly grew and expanded to be an amazing resource that now has regular blog and podcast postings. Katie Allred and Darrel Girardier started and run the group and are definitely awesome to follow.
David Maddron – David is someone I just recently met online. He’s a Children’s and Family Ministry blogger who also is apart of the Orange Blogging team. He has great insights and it is very clear through his writings how passionate he is about children’s ministry and connecting families. Definitely seek him out in 2018 and follow his blog and him on Twitter.
Nils Smith – Nils is an Online Ministry veteran. Previously, Nils served at the Innovation Pastor at Community Bible Church overseeing the entire web presence of CBC including website, mobile app, tv apps, online church, social media, etc. Currently he serves as the Chief Strategist of Social Media and Innovation at Dunham and Company. Nils vlogs regularly about social media and online tools and is the co-host with Jay Kranda for the Social Media Church Podcast. Find him here on Twitter.
Cory Sullivan – Cory is a good friend and has a great mind for student and family ministry. He has also appeared on my podcast numerous times. He has great insights in regards to ministering to students and families as he has worked as a teacher and is currently a Youth Engagement Specialist. He also helps out in a variety of ministry roles at a Church in Rochester, NY. He is an Orange Blogger and blogs regularly about student and families at Misfits.blog and is on Twitter here.
Ministry Tech – Ministry Tech is a great online magazine providing resources and information to help keep churches updated with the best and most current technology. Whether you are a Campus Pastor, Student Minister, Church Communicator or serve in another area in your Church, if you want to learn about the latest trends in tech that you can apply to your ministry, check out their blog. It is constantly updated.
What do you think of the 6? Are there “go-to” blogs or podcasts you seek out regularly? Share below or on social media using the hashtag #ymsidekick so we can search them out in 2018 to follow. Make sure you goto iTunes and subscribe to the podcast and see what cool things we do each and every week! And make sure you rate the show, especially if you like it. 🙂 Join the Digital Bootcamp Facebook Group to learn how to effectively use digital tools for your ministry. This is for ALL Ministers, not just Church Communicators or Social Media Managers.]]>