How to fundraise for your Church now using Facebook

short tutorial I did a while back. Now, as you have your page up and running, you may have gotten a notice recently like this one I received via email from Facebook. If you didn’t get this email, no worries, it will still apply to you. What was left out of my email but included in other emails sent to other people was that with these new changes Facebook is making for non-profits is the ability to fundraise. That’s right you can include a way for people who like your page to contribute financially directly through Facebook to events like a mission trip or even give tithes and offering directly on Facebook. It’s really cool! But honestly, a great new feature that Facebook Fundraising offers is that people can participate right on their page. For instance, on your page you can post something like this below. On her birthday, this particular lady choose to share with her friends that instead of give her a gift, donate to her “cause”. What a cool thing to do! You now have the ability for people at your church to link up to a fundraising option happening at your church and post on their status. This is great for a few reasons:

  • It empowers more people at your church to raise money. In addition to sending “form letters” you can simply post on Facebook about this great opportunity for others to be apart of.
  • It brings awareness to what your Church is doing. With the reach that Facebook offers, by people in your church sharing about this fundraising option, you are bringing awareness of what your Church is doing and might cause more people to want to help out and support the Church (in more ways than just financial).
To learn more about how to enable people to fundraise for your Church, check out this Facebook FAQ page. As Facebook continues to evolve, it is providing the Church great opportunities to grow and expand in different ways. So whether you got this email or not, start paying attention around June 19th and start spreading the news to people in your church so that you can empower more people to be apart of all the great stuff your Church is doing. What do you think of this? Have you gotten the email about this yet? How are you planning on utilizing this for your Church? Share your thoughts below or on social media and tag @tapounder when you do share.]]>

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