2 Ways Your Church Can Use Twitter Communities

Twitter communities is just one of the many new things Twitter is doing to help people engage more with others. When you think about Twitter communities, you can associate them with Facebook Groups. The point of these communities is to connect people more. The biggest difference is that you can use Twitter instead of Facebook.

The people on Twitter are different than the people on Facebook. They use Twitter differently than they use Facebook. That is why you can and should use Twitter Communities even if you have Facebook Groups. You will reach a different group of people and you can use organic reach a lot more effectively on Twitter.

In this video, audio or bullet points below, I will share 2 specific ways your Church can use Twitter Communities to reach people for Christ.



  1. Bible Study. If you have ever had a Facebook Group Bible Study, this operates in a very similar fashion. For starters, you can pick a study you want to do. It can be centered around a book of the Bible, a Character study, a theme or something else entirely. Once you have that topic picked out, invite some friends and share the link to your community around to others. Then, depending on how you want your community to be
  2. Themed Groups. There are so many different groups you can start. You can start a parents group, a youth group, a group around a specific time of year like Christmas or Easter. There are a wide variety of Groups your Church can start that can help minister to people online. You can even use this group as a Life Group for people online.

The great thing about Twitter Communities is that you can use them for a variety of communities. They can be big or you can keep them small. They can be for a specific niche or more broad. The point is you can really utilize Twitter to build community and encourage people in that specific group. It’s a great ministry tool to help you reach more people for Christ.


  • These are just 2 ways your Church can use Twitter Communities? What are some other ways? Share your ideas below or on social media.
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