How to create leader consistency year over year

The same is true for ministry leaders as it is with coaches. The longer a coach is in charge, hopefully, the team improves and he or she can be the coach for a long period of time. One of the ways for your ministry to have a long term impact is with leader consistency. The longer you have leaders serving, hopefully, the greater the impact. Inevitably some leaders will come and go, but there are things you can do as the head leader to create long term leaders consistency. Here are 3 things you can do: Value your Leaders and Care for them. Ministry leaders need volunteers and others to help be successful in ministry. One of the best ways to keep them engaged for a multiple years is to feel like you care for them and value them. For example, ask them how they are doing in life, not just in ministry. Take them out to grab a cup of coffee and don’t talk any ministry. Invite them over to your house for dinner or to go watch a movie with you and other leaders. Ministry doesn’t have to be all business. It can be about developing deep bonds together as a team and creating a community that is a powerful example to those you are ministering too. Give them a sense of purpose. When a leader serves in a ministry they want to feel like they are accomplishing something and have a purpose for being there. No one wants to be just a “warm body”. They want to contribute and have a purpose. So, when you bring on a new ministry leader, make sure they know what role they are serving in and that they are good with it. Then, as they continue to serve, keep meeting with them to make sure where they are serving and what they are doing is still giving them a sense of purpose. The more they feel like they are contributing the more likely they will continue to serve long term. Set them up for success. While giving them a valuable role is important, setting them up to succeed is just as important. Here you provide them the necessary tools and training to do what they need to do. The more equipped they will feel like they are to do it, the more likely they are going to stick around long term. If you don’t provide them training and tools, they won’t feel equipped to win. And we all want to win. Provide them the tools and training but also push and challenge them to take next steps in their leadership development. Some leaders may need that extra encouragement. As the head leader, push and challenge them in the areas they want to grow and develop in.


Recruiting leaders is important for your ministry to be successful. But just as important is retaining the leaders you currently have. Here are 3 ways you can maintain leader consistency in your ministry so that your leaders can grow and develop strong bonds with the ministry and people they are ministering to. The more consistency you have, the bigger the impact you can have. And, with that kind of impact, there is so much potential for those you are minister to and those serving along side of you in ministry. What do you think? How do you maintain leader consistency in your ministry? Share your thoughts or experiences below or on social media using #ymsidekick when you share. [mc4wp_form id="8855"]

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