How to leave a Legacy that Impacts Others

I say all this not as boasting that I was a great leader. It’s simply a reflection that I left a lasting impact on the staff, the students and people at my previous Church. So, as I reflect, I want to encourage you to reflect as well. What kind of legacy are you leaving behind? How do you leave behind that legacy?

  • Focus on your job. This sounds obvious but not everyone does this. We get distracted by “side hustle” that, while important and necessary at times, can prevent us from our calling and mission. The more you can stay focused on your work and doing it with excellence seeking God’s leading, the more effective you can be.
  • Give it your all. In ministry there tends to be a work-a-holic nature where we work so much, often sacrificing our families and friends for our calling. While this is not good to do, on the opposite end of the spectrum, is not giving it your all. When you are working give 100% to your job so that those you are working with and for will know you gave it your all and worked hard.
  • Respect and honor others. No one likes an egotistical leader or someone who doesn’t value others. Whether you think you can pretend to respect and honor others, they will only be fooled so long. Whether it is staffers, volunteers or those you are ministering to, people  will know what type of person you really are over time.


You are going to leave a legacy at every ministry you are involved in. It could be a negative legacy where all they remember is the difficulties you and your ministry caused. Or, it could be a positive one where, long after you have moved one, they are telling stories of impact you and your time there had. The choice is yours. What kind of legacy will you leave? I pray it is a great one. What do you think? How have you left a legacy that impacts others? Share your thoughts or experiences below or on social media using #ymsidekick when you post.  [mc4wp_form id="8855"]

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