Use Variety in your Content Creation for Greater Reach

But why use a variety of content when you share? Why can’t all your content be just video content or blogging content? Why should there be mix of different content? The simple answer to this is because not everyone learns or are touched in the same way. Whereas a video may impact someone, a well written blog post may impact another. Someone may prefer to listen to a message or training as a podcast. People learn differently and they prefer different content to consume. That is why having a variety of content your ministry or Church chooses to share is so valuable – it reaches different people. Here are 4 different pieces of content you can use to vary throughout the week:

  • Audio Content: Create a podcast. This could be in the form so sermons or it could be a teaching point or even a Bible study that people could listen to. Podcasts are great because people will listen to them on their way to work or school.
  • Video Content: Video content is really hot right now. All social platforms want you to share videos on their platforms. You can do produced video content or live videos. In fact, it has been tested that live videos actually do much better than uploaded videos on Facebook. But not just Facebook but YouTube is extremely popular right now.
  • Images: Image content consists scripture references, baptisms, or pictures from a ministry event. Vary this up. I really believe people like to see real people doing real things. Take pictures and share them to inspire, encourage or even make someone smile and laugh.
  • Text: After reading the 3 other content ideas you can be sharing, text may seem boring. While it may not be flashy, it is still very effective. Not only do people love to read still and be inspired with wonderful stories of hope and life change, it helps your SEO which, in turn, will help more people hear about Christ through your Church.
Churches and Ministries have a really powerful message to share. It’s the life changing message of Christ that can be presented in a variety of different ways. Don’t minimize your impact by choosing just one or two ways to present this message. Use variety! The more you do this, the greater your chances are to reach your greatest potential audience. Be faithful and try different ways to share the story. It will be fun to see how God uses your creativity and variety to reach more people and impact lives. What do you think? How has creating a variety of content helped you in what you share? Share your experiences below or on social media using #ymsidekick when you share. [mc4wp_form id="8855"]

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