Grad Parties are a great way to Connect with Families

When I first started out in student ministry, I didn’t go to a lot of grad parties. I would go to some but mainly those who I had more family ties to than Church ties. I really can’t explain this thinking other than to say I was young. I really thought that since I wouldn’t be able to go every students’ grad party (logistics are hard), I won’t go to any. I didn’t want to hurt anyones feelings. Boy, was that a mistake. The reality is whether you go to one or twenty over the course of grad season, grad parties are great ways to connect with families and meet new ones. You go there to congratulate the graduate and whether you stay for 30 minutes or 2 hours, you can mix and mingle and get to know others, see parents from the Church, students from the Church and meet new ones as well! It is great contacts work really. Be seen and have conversations with people which will hopefully further connections and help lead people to Christ So, whether or not it you can go to grad parties still this year or you’ll have to wait til next year, make these a priority for your ministry. It can be a really rewarding time for you personally to connect with families and students, but it can also help make connections for your ministry that can help grow it long term. What do you do? Do you go to grad parties? How do you use them for your ministry? Share your experiences below or on social media using #ymsidekick. [mc4wp_form id="8855"]

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