An Exciting New Transition

New Life Christian Church in Centreville.  Starting on November 1st, I will be the Family Ministry Pastor overseeing the Children’s, Youth and Sportsplex Departments.  Yep, that’s right, Sportsplex with a fitness center in it!  It is an exciting new opportunity for Anne and I, and we feel blessed to be called to this mission. Anne and I want to thank all of you who have supported and encouraged us over the years as our family has grown. We will look back with many great memories at Cedar Run.  Thank you all for helping make this season in our lives a very fond one.  Although we would like to thank everyone who has impacted our lives, there are literally too many to post. Ultimately, we believe God brought us to Cedar Run in His timing and He is now moving us forward to another great opportunity. We pray that God continues to direct Cedar Run and grow it as the place He desires it to be. Another exciting Change that is happening is to my writing.  Because of my new position at New Life and the focus that it will require, I will be changing my Not a Mega Church blog to title and focus more on Family Ministry and encouraging children’s, youth, young adult and family ministers.  The rebranding has been slowly happening the past month or so and will continue until it is complete by Nov. 1st.  Don’t worry Youth Ministers as I will be having plenty of material on youth oriented stuff ahead.  But, as New Life does some new and exciting ministry opportunities for youth, children, families and young adults, I am going to be blogging about them, encouraging all ministers in their mission to reach lost people for Christ. So, although I am not “working” until Nov. 1st, I am going to be putting a lot of time into reading, writing and learning all that I can so that when I start at New Life, I will be able to hit the ground running.  It is truly exciting to see what will happen and how God will work. If you think of it, Anne and I ask for your continued prayer, support and friendship as we make these transitions.  God has brought us this far and we know His plans for us will continue to guide us even further for His glory.]]>

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