Why Apple Arcade is a Worthwhile Purchase for Student Ministries

Apple Arcade. Apple Arcade is Apple’s premium subscription gaming service that will let users download and play included games for one monthly fee with no added costs. It was released on September 19th  for a price of $4.99 a month. Apple ArcadeWhile the iPhone, iPad, Mac and even Apple Watch are great tools to be used for ministers, Apple Arcade might be one of the biggest ministry tools Apple has introduced that can help ministers, especially student ministers. In fact, here is why I believe Apple Arcade is a worthwhile purchase any Student Minister to get for their student ministries:

  • Price. It’s $4.99 a month and, to start, features just over 100 games. More games will definitely be added. That is relatively cheap to buying a game console and game after game after game from Playstation, Nintendo or X-Box. And with that price you can share it with 5 different users (see below).
  • Share with 5 members. If you have a Student Ministry account for iTunes (which I would recommend), you can create a family share plan where 5 different users. That provides you the opportunity to include leaders and multiple devices with all these games. That gives leaders lots of opportunities to engage students essentially for free.
  • It’s mobile. That means that it is perfect for student ministry trips or for random gatherings of students where you have an instant way to connect with students by breaking out some games you all can play. Nintendo proved that great mobile gaming is possible with the GameBoy, DS and now Switch so having a plethora of games available on mobile devices is a great tool for student ministers.
  • Games are Downloadable. That means you don’t need WiFi or Internet service to play them once they are downloaded.
  • You don’t need to be a gamer to participate. Just like the Nintendo gaming systems, which I love, these games are not designed to be for the elite gamer. Anyone can play these games and enjoy them.
  • Exciting game opportunities. Here are descriptions of 3 of the over 100 games released already.
    • Lego Brawls. It is a hyper 4-v-4 multiplayer brawler set in the LEGO universe where you can battle familiar and new characters.
    • Hot Lava. This is a fast paced game where the floor becomes lava and you have to do whatever it takes to keep your feet off the ground.
    • Sayonara Wild Hearts. This is a pop music-styled arcade action game where you control a skateboarding girl through a elaborate world of dance battles and motorcycle chases. You can also do a story mode of this game.
The bottom line is that for the price point, the amount of games you get and that you can share the account with multiple mobile devices, it is a worthwhile and good purchase for any student ministry. If you can’t afford it, maybe you can get a person in your congregation to donate it to your ministry. It is only $60 a year. Apple Arcade is a really good purchase option for your student ministry to use as a tool as you seek ways to engage students for Christ. The more you can engage, the more conversations can happen that will hopefully lead to real life discussion about life and Christ. And, the more those can happen the more opportunities student ministers have to help students experience and begin relationships with Christ, which is what we are all striving for. What do you think? Do you see value in purchasing Apple Arcade for your student ministry? Why or why not? Share below or on social media using #ymsidekick when you share.  [mc4wp_form id="8855"]

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