7 "Favorites" Lists to Engage your Community this Fall

 tent pole opportunities that happen each year that a gold mine that your ministry or Church can use to really engage your community. So what can you post and share on social media that will really engage your community? Watch this video to discover 7 different lists you can ask for.     Favorite Fall Recipes. This takes people back to all the family food favorites that parents and grandparents always used to make that bring back such great memories. Encourage people to share a favorite fall food recipe and maybe this will get Favorite Fall Food or Drink. This is different than sharing a recipe. This is just a favorite food or drink that people just love to have in the fall without having to share a recipe. There are more than just Pumpkin Spice Lattes or pumpkin pies to share. It should make for a great list. Favorite Local Pumpkin Patches for families to go to. There are usually a few different kinds of pumpkin patches in your area, big and small. Ask people to share their favorite and why. It’s a great opportunity for those pumpkin patches to even post on your wall and maybe offer a coupon or discount for a future visit. Favorite Trick or Treating Memory or Costume. This would be something to draw a wide variety of responses as you’ll have older people share great costumes or memories and you can have younger some new costumes and recent memories. For this very reason, it’s great to ask and see what is shared. Favorite Candy. Candy, candy, candy! Almost everyone will have a favorite candy, some will even have multiple. You could even do a poll of which candy do people prefer. Favorite Bible Verse for the fall. The fall can be festive and great. But it can also be a lonely or tough time as well. Regardless of how people are feeling, ask people to share an encouraging or favorite verse and see what people share that encourages or inspires others. Staff Favorites. This highlights your staff. You can use all the above “favorites” list all over again but highlight your staff or key volunteers. This provides people in your congregation an opportunity to relate more with people on staff. For instance, if a staffer says they love pumpkin pie, all those in your congregation can come up to the staffer and share what food they like whether it is pumpkin pie or not. This gives them an opportunity to talk about something other than a specific church related topic.


This is a list of 7 favorites that you can use in your ministry or Church on social media this fall. There are probably plenty of other ideas out there that you can use but hopefully this will get you thinking of those idea. Considering Halloween is apart of Fall, I would highly recommend you go over with Church Leadership to see what they are comfortable with for your posts. However, whether you post about Halloween, Trick or Treating, Trunk or Treating, All Saint’s Eve or nothing at all, there are plenty of options you have to post about this fall. The only question now remains, of all these options, which one will you post first? What do you think? What ways do you engage your community during the fall? Why or why not? Share below or on social media using #ymsidekick when you share.  [mc4wp_form id="8855"]

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