Why I am excited about attending NYWC 2019

an amazing experience. Now, 20 years later I’m headed down to Tampa this week to participate in NYWC 2019 and I am really excited about it. Why? Here are 3 reasons in particular.

  • The Leadership. As much as I enjoyed NYWC 1999, the conference began a decline in organization and leadership in the many years that followed that resulted in new leadership that bought and revitalized the conference and Youth Specialties last year. The combined leadership of Doug Fields, Reggie Joiner, Josh Griffin and many others have done amazing things over the last year and a half of owning Youth Specialties and the conference which resulted in an amazing conference last year (one that I missed). So, to be part of year 2 of this turnaround has me really excited to return to the conference.
  • Head into Winter Inspired. What I love a lot about the Orange Conference is that it comes at the end of April and beginning of May. At that point in the school year I need that rejuvenation to finish the school year strong. While I am still very encouraged in ministry, Christmas is a very busy season and you can get distracted easily. The is why with the leadership team assembled, they have organized an amazing group of presenters talking about great topics that will keep me focused and inspired.
  • Connecting with Others. Over the years I have made some great online connections with really great people who do student ministry. A decent amount of them have been on my podcast over the years. Going to conferences like NYWC gives me an opportunity to connect with them in person which is always a good thing.
These are 3 reasons why I am excited about attending NYWC 19 this week. And I know that a lot of others are looking forward to it as well. The good news is that whether you are coming or not you are able to stay up to date on all that is happening at the conference in two very specific ways.
  • Follow the Official NYWC Bloggers for notes of breakouts and main sessions. I am apart of this group and am excited to share notes, quotes and other insights I learn at the Conference.
  • Follow #NYWC19 on Twitter all week to stay up to date with quotes and notes from a variety of other people attending the conference.
What about you? Are you going to NYWC 2019? If so, what are you most looking forward to experiencing? Share your thoughts and experiences below or on social media using #ymsidekick when you share.  [mc4wp_form id="8855"]

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