“Raising your own Kids in Youth Ministry” Notes

Doug Fields at NYWC ’19. You begin to think with littles is, “is what I’m doing in the Church going to ruin my own family” I don’t want to be remembered for my youth ministry books…I want to be remembered for my family Doug Fields If we’re not intentional, our families can become the biggest losers. Sometimes when you establish boundaries that will win for your family, not everyone will respect those. We have made many sacrifices for church-work, but in the bigger picture…family always win over JOB. My calling is to serve Jesus. I can serve Jesus anywhere. When you leave your JOB, they will find someone else to do your JOB. Taking Intentional Actions. “At the very basic level of our parenting we have made every effort to let our kids know they come before our church ministry and other people’s kids” – Cathy Fields Fields Approach  (not “the” way…but our/one way)

  1. The PERKS Principle: we included our kids in youth ministry as soon as they were born. Give them inside access to the student ministry even when they are little. It’s also a perk for your youth group kids as they get to see you be a parent and a family operate.
  2. The PEPOLE Principle: we surrounded our kids with incredibly wonderful people, friends & mentors. That is great but also know that volunteers and staffers come and go. Be there with your kids as they process the good and the loses.
  3. The PRESENCE Principle: we arranged everything within our calendars to be at our kids events/stuff (things that were important to them). We didn’t miss their stuff, games. They tried to be at everything possible.
  4. The PERFORMANCE Principle: we allowed and encourage them to be themselves.
  What do you think about what Doug Fields share in his session at NYWC ’19? Share your thoughts and experiences below or on social media using #ymsidekick when you share.  [mc4wp_form id="8855"]

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