“Translating Truth to Life” Notes

Duffy Robbins. It’s not what we say, it’s what they hear that makes all the difference. Duffy RobbinsTaking Translation Seriously: Contextualization – translating truth into life We are all translators and the Church was wrestled with this for centuries. In communication, it’s all about building bridges that connect Challenges:

  • We get to talk, they get to translate.
  • The world of the Bible seems so different from the world they live in.
  • The already have a story.
Strategies for Contextualization
  • Be a SPECTATOR.  Look and listen carefully.  3 elements of communication: Ethical, Emotional, Logical
  • Be a CURATOR. Be intentional about relentlessly bringing the Truth of Christ come alive.
  • Be an INSTIGATOR. Give students baby steps to take in response to Truth they hear.  The Baby Step Principle: Guide growth and commitment usually comes through baby steps.
  • Be a NARRATOR. If you want students to value the Truth you’re teaching, put it in a story. Christ as the master of this! If you want to add value to your teaching, add a compelling story.
5 Arenas of Application: Lace the Truth of the Bible back to these 5
  • Family
  • School
  • Friends
  • Interior (your insides)
  • Spiritual
Principles of Translation: Principles of Tradition: When it comes to translation scripture to life, none of us sees the whole picture. So, although our faith is based on Scripture alone, we never read the Scriptures alone. We read them as members of the Christian community that is as wide as the whole world and as long as the last 2,000 years. Beware of new insights that our brother and sisters have missed for the last 2,000 years.
  • Emphasis: Importance of humility and tradition
  • Biblical Basis: Jude 1
The Principle of Boundaries: Our efforts to adapt to the context are always shaped by the context.
  • Emphasis: Important of contending. We must seek to never be needlessly offensive in the exercise of our faith. But, we must also recognize that the faithful exercise of our faith will occasionally be offensive to the non-Christian Culture
  • Biblical Basis: Note how Jesus seeks neither to offend cultural sensitivities (John 4:7, 22f; John 3; 4; 1 For. 9:22-23), nor compromise the message.
The Principle of Methodology: The message is of primary importance. but the method is never neutral, i.e. the ends don’t justify the means.
  • Emphasis: Importance of recognizing that the medium is the message
  • Biblical Basis: 2 Corinthians 4:2-5
The Principle of Connection: We must use every creative means at our disposal to communicate the timeless message of God’s love.
  • Emphasis: The importance of creative and initiative
  • Biblical Basis: Exodus 3:2; Numbers 22:28; Matthew 13:31; Jeremiah 18:2-3; Matthew 2:2
The Principle of Action: The best way to massage Sunday morning’s truth into the flesh and muscle of Monday morning faith is through consistent exercise.
  • Emphasis: The importance of a call to active obedience
  • Biblical Basis: Exodus 3:12; James 1:22
  What stands out to you from this breakout session from Duffy Robbins? Share your thoughts and experiences below or on social media using #ymsidekick when you share.  [mc4wp_form id="8855"]

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