Gear You Need to Transform your Home to Work Remotely

Headphones. You may have a dedicated office space at home and that’s great. But you may not. Having a set of headphones for your phone calls or video calls is really important. Wired headphones are  fine but bluetooth is best. Here is a list of best earbuds for any price point. work remotelyTripod to record videos. Whether you are an Online Pastor or not, in today’s digital world, it would be good to make some videos and share them with leaders or those you are ministering to. You don’t need a pandemic to force your hand to use video more. You can use video no matter what is happening in the world. And, the best thing about it is that you can use your smartphone to record all those videos. Here is a list of best tripods for your smartphone. Light for videos. Natural light is always best to record videos but not everyone can get that in their home. It’s best to get a simple light to shine on you while you record videos. And the great thing is you don’t need an elaborate setup to create good lighting for your videos. Here is a list of different lights at various price points that can help you create good lighting for your videos. A good mic. Whether you are making Zoom calls or using it for videos, having a mic the clearly pics up your voice is great. You may or  may not think it makes a difference, but if you are on the other side of a Zoom call or listening to a video made with a bad mic, you will know it does make a difference. You can get a great mic for your laptop or desktop here. To get a mic for your phone, here are some good options. [ctt template=”5″ link=”Y3Wmd” via=”no” ]It doesn’t take much money to work remotely from home. But there are some upgrades you do need to make.[/ctt] Faster Internet. If you are working from home, you need high quality upload and download speed for your internet access. This is especially true if you are sharing your internet with other people at the same time. If you are working remotely you need to be able to access information and share information with others fast. Up your internet speed. A nice background/backdrop. This is definitely not a necessity for Zoom calls, although you can put cool backgrounds through Zoom. Here is how. However, if you are making videos from your home, you are going to need a nice background or backdrop. Film in front of bookshelves, add a decoration behind you, or use one of these other ideas. Apps. There are great apps you can use while working remotely. They allow you to easily communicate with others, share content and plan ahead, just to name a few benefits. Check out this post highlighting all those useful apps for those working remotely. Every minister is different. And because of that there isn’t a one size fits all mentality for what is needed while working remotely effectively. You may or may not need all of these above but, if you do, there are plenty of great options out there so you don’t have to spend a fortune creating adequate office space in your house. What do you think? What other gear do you think is necessary to work remotely? Share your thoughts or experiences below or on social media using #ymsidekick when you share. [mc4wp_form id="8855"]

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