Reimagining 5 Spring and Summer Events

  • Mother’s Day
  • Memorial Day Weekend
  • Graduation Days
  • Father’s Day
  • 4th of July
  • These 5 events are hugely popular get-together days and they directly impact a lot of Church and ministry events that happen. For instance, Mother’s Day is the 3rd most popular Sunday every year for Churches. That won’t happen this year. Sure, Churches will still get together online but celebrating Mother’s Day and these other big events this spring and summer will be vastly different than in years past. Just because those events will likely look different this year doesn’t mean that you can’t still honor people and those events. To help reimagine what those events can look like in this coronavirus and digital world, Stan Rodda and I are hosting a Whiteboard Session on Zoom from 1-2 pm Eastern time on Friday, April 24th. What will happen? Stan and I will be walking through the 5 spring and summer events, sharing our ideas and thoughts but also encouraging others on the Zoom call to share their ideas. This will be a HUGE brainstorming session so that we can all walk away with some ideas (a lot of digital and tech ideas) that will help us all reimagine these 5 key dates and how we can best minister to our community on these days. If you are interested in learning more, head over the the Facebook Event page or your can just log into the Zoom call at 1 pm Eastern on April 24th. What do you think? What are you doing to reimagine these 5 spring and summer events? Share your thoughts or experiences below or on social media using #ymsidekick when you share. [mc4wp_form id="8855"]

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