"Launching a Healthy Special Needs Ministry" Notes

Orange Conference 2020. Monec Johnson led this breakout.   Focus on 4 key verbs:

  • Build
  • Develop
  • Create
  • Touch
1. Build upon a solid vision
  • Gather data on those all families who are in your church and community with special needs or diverse abilities.
  • Learn about previous experiences and opportunities for the future.
  • Find out if other Churches are already creating a place for special needs
  • Network with other Special ministry needs ministers to get info and share experiences.
  • This is NOT MEANT TO BE A STAND ALONE ministry. The entire Church can participate in.
  • Write the vision out as much as possible.
2. Develop a faithful team of volunteers and supporters through recruiting and training
  • Recruit a team
  • Recruit from relationships. Share your vision with everyone you have relationship with. They could, at the least, support your ministry.
  • Invite them to “come and see” what all the excitement is about.
  • Recruit through events. Provide relationship building opportunities.
  • Teachers, nurses, retirees are great potential volunteers
  • Train from vision. Everyone who attends training, they should all understand the vision.
    • How much can you spend on training (money)
    • Look for inexpensive training materials that can be used in a variety of ways.
    • Schedule shadowing opportunities.
    • Identify what kind of training is needed. Train on everything.
  • Volunteers who serve here are not babysitting. It is a discipleship opportunity.
  • Consider having a different training for teens and adults
3. Create a space based on your current needs and a vision for the future.
  • In order to have a healthy special needs ministry you need to create space.
  • You want to create a space so they can hear about Jesus
  • Utilize buddy, coaches or well trained volunteers to help them
  • You could have a suite or dedicated room
  • You don’t want to overstimulate the student with what is in your room.
  • Not everyone with special needs will be in a suite…they could join a regular group (inclusive)
4. Teach. Choose curriculum that supports your vision.
  • Choose curriculum that can be used to teach to different learning styles.
  • Pictures, music, posters and videos are all helpful
  • Hands on activities are great for those who are non-verbal
  • Orange 252 is great curriculum for them to use. This is adaptive curriculum.
The most important part of all of this is to gain the support of your church leadership. Share with them on how you are going to build on a solid vision, develop a team, create a safe space and teach effectively according to your vision.   What stands out to you from this session about launching a healthy special needs ministry? Share below or on social media using #ymsidekick and #OC20 when you share.

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