"Increasing Your Influence and Effectiveness in Youth Ministry" Notes

Orange Conference 2020Katie Matsumoto and Kellen Moore led this breakout.   One thing that will make your youth ministry more effective is partner with your kids pastor. Kids ministry is the foundation that student ministry is built on Talk about it. Open up about wins and tough points in your ministry. You will find out you have more in common than you thought.

  • Get to know them
  • Ask questions, not just about ministry, but about their family, hobbies, goals in life
  • Talk about ministry. If you don’t know what they do, ask!
  • Talk about each other. Cheer for each other when you’re talking about each other. Talk highly and don’t put them down.
  • On transitions. All of it needs to be collaborated with. How can you work together.
  • On budget. Same budget on cards for students.
  • On space
  • On volunteers. Have middle school and high schoolers volunteers in elementary ministry
Create a common language for families. Parents are looking for familiarity.
  • Small groups vs. discipleship groups vs. life groups. Figure out what you will call it throughout the ministries.
  • Teaching calendar vs scope and cycle.
  • Drop-off vs. check-in
  • Baptisms vs. big splash
  • Promotion day, transition Sunday, welcome Wednesday, etc.
  What stands out to you from this session about how you can increase your influence and effectiveness in youth ministry? Share below or on social media using #ymsidekick and #OC20 when you share.

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