What Students are Watching and Why it Matters

these shows. teen showsI can personally attest to this as I have teenage children of my own. While some of these may seem over the top (and they are), I have to remember that I watched the original Beverly Hills, 90210 back in the day…which wasn’t much better for that time. So what is the point of this? It’s to highlight what students are watching so you can be aware of content they are watching. But also, it is so you know how to best minister to these students. As you know, what you watch influences who you are. So if students are watching this, we have to be ready to speak the truth of Christ into their lives that can combat some of the influences they are getting in these shows. Students are bored right now. They have been bored for a really long time. So students are watching all sorts of tv shows just to pass time. If you scroll through the list of shows on that list you’ll discover the messages of those shows do not, if ever, line up with the truths of Christ. So take some time to review what your students are watching, see what those shows are about and then use the shows to speak the truth of Christ into their lives. Maybe it is doing a message series on these shows or some of the topics they discuss. Maybe it is something else entirely. Whatever it may be, take a serious look at what you can do to minister to the teens in your group and see what God does. What do you think? What are students watching in your area? What are you learning from them? Share your thoughts or experiences below or on social media using #ymsidekick when you share. [mc4wp_form id="8855"]

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