What College Football Cancellations Mean for Your Ministry

cancelled their football seasons. Whether you are a sports fan or not, this decision is a really big deal. So many people look forward to and rely on football in the fall. After all, after many High School sports across the country have been cancelled the fact that major college football teams are now shutting down, it makes you wonder what else will shut down. Will this affect the NFL? It may seem like “it’s just sports” and that this decision to cancel college football doesn’t mean much in the grand scheme of things. In some ways you are right but in other ways, it is just one more thing in a continued downward spiral that this virus has impacted so much of our lives. So many businesses and people have been impacted and affected in such a short amount of time because of the virus. And the affects of this is earth shattering. Not only have people lost their jobs or businesses but there has also been an uptick in teen suicides and overdoses during pandemic. The stats are alarming as the CDC Director recently reported. Teens and adults alike need connection right now. That means we, as ministers, need to make these connections and not let a simple “no” to hanging out or doing a Zoom call prevent us from ministering and reaching people for Christ. This is such a crucial time for ministry leaders to make real connections. Thus, this is the opportunity we all have now. Sure, it may be a hard time for us and people we are ministering to, but the opportunity for connection is there. It’s an opportunity to talk about Christ and to help people process that while the world may be changing, God never changes. It’s a hard time. College football and other really important things may be cancelled in the lives of those around us. And even when a vaccine is developed the affects of it will be felt for months and years still. Prayerfully consider how you can use this as an opportunity to connect with others and hopefully lead others to Christ in a way they have never experienced before. God has shown over the centuries that He can and will use any situation for good. Trust him, follow where he leads and see what he does in your ministry and the lives of others during this time. What about you? What are you doing to connect with students and adults now? Share your thoughts or experiences below or on social media using #ymsidekick when you share. [mc4wp_form id="8855"]

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