Inspiring Quotes from Youth Ministry Exchange

Youth Ministry Exchange. This two day online event was filled with some great encouragement. Here is a list of quotes that the various speakers shared throughout. Day 1 “Waiting for things to go back to normal is not enough. We will end up waiting for a world that isn’t there.” – Jo Saxton Youth Ministry Exchange“It’s time to stop playing defense as leaders, and start playing offense. We have to be intentional with our time, leaders.” – Ryan Leak “Youth ministry starts with people, not programs.” – Steven Argue “Don’t miss the significant developmental changes happening in a kid’s life because we are distracted by the global changes happening around us.” – Katie Edwards “The best innovation comes in community.” – Yulee Lee “I believe that every follower of Jesus has called to serve somewhere, but not everyone is called to serve teenagers.” – Doug Fields “If you are not leaning on Jesus, your life will come crashing down.” – Stuart Hall “Compassion calls us back to listening to our teenagers. People before programs.” – Steven Argue “Poverty is not only physical; it’s spiritual and mental. When you connect through a church, you’re able to release kids from poverty.” – Jey Mbiro “This generation’s not just waiting for a proclamation of the good news, but a demonstration of the good news!” – Danielle Strickland “Righteousness is not just some spiritual experience. It’s taking the love of God that has been so freely received and working it into the every day of our life.” – Danielle Strickland “Discipleship is always relational.”  – Kristen Ivy   Day 2 “It’s never okay to use your theology as an excuse to treat each other wrong.” – Reggie Joiner “It doesn’t matter how right you are if you’re wrong about how you treat others.” – Reggie Joiner “The most important thing you and I will do you for teenagers this year is be here consistently.” – Crystal Chiang “You don’t have to fully “get it” for your ministry to get there.” – Jess Berryhill “When a student trusts you with something this important, your personal response will be the Church’s response in that student’s mind for the rest of their lives.” – Tom Shefchunas “If events don’t lead somewhere, they won’t make a difference.” – Trey McKnight “You can’t make disciples if you don’t love your neighbor.” – Reggie Joiner “Young people leave the faith not because we ask them to do too much, young people leave the faith because we ask them to do too little.” – Kara Powell “This game of youth ministry is very difficult and it is not meant to be played by yourself.” – Doug Fields “The number 1 key to successful discipleship is healthy relationships.” – Vince Parker   Did you attend the Youth Ministry Exchange? If so, what quotes or learnings inspired you? Share your experiences below or on social media using #ymsidekick as you share. 

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