Super Bash in a Box

Because the Super Bowl is an event unlike many others where virtually everyone will watch it, I believe it is one of the best outreach opportunities Student Ministers have each year to share about Jesus to others. While it is an effective outreach opportunity, the reality is that sometimes you need to rethink how you do events, especially during a pandemic. So how can you rethink a large group gathering Super Bowl Party and still use it as a ministry opportunity for your Student Ministry? You decentralize it and create a Super Bash in a Box. Let me explain. As with most outreach events the bigger the attendance, the more exciting the games, the plethora of food, the giveaways and an impactful testimony, the bigger the chance you have for great impact. However, whether it is a pandemic or something else that causes you not to be able to have a large attended gathering, creating a Super Bash in a Box provides you to have effective smaller gatherings that still helps you have an effective outreach event during the Super Bowl. So what does a Super Bash in a Box look like? What do you include in it? Give each home group a box:

  • A Night Outline Example. What does your Super Bash look like? Provide the Leaders and Host an idea of how the night can look like. Give them freedom to adapt but the outline is to give them an idea so they can know how to have a successful night.
  • Game ideas. Just because the Super Bowl is on doesn’t mean there can’t be other games that happen. After all, not everyone who attends will be interested in the big game.
  • Food ideas. The big game isn’t a big game without some awesome food.
  • Prizes. Provide the group prizes to give away throughout the night. It could be gift cards or something bigger. You decide based on your budget.
  • Party ideas. What else could you do at the Super Bash that could wow people? For instance, maybe include a manicure area for the girls or a video game station.
  • Testimony ideas. What makes the Super Bash an outreach event is when a student or a leader shares how Jesus impacted their life. When do you share the testimony? During halftime. I’ve learned long ago (wardrobe malfunction Super Bowl) that creating a halftime show is a great way to have fun and share about Christ. Find out how you can do that for your group here.
With each Super Bash in a Box given out you provide the Leaders and the Host family a chance to really connect with students and minister to them. And, it’s a great alternative to a large group gathering. What do you think of the Super Bash in a Box? What has he been doing? Share below or on social media using #ymsidekick when you share.

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